Pixio Brand Guidelines
Download Pixio corporate and product logos. Logos are available in various file formats.

Red mark over black (#000000) background

Red mark over slate (#151516) background

Red mark over white (#FFFFFF) background
Primary Mark
For most applications, use a simple red mark over a solid background
Our logo should always have space to breathe. The red spacing around our logo is the safe zone. Please don't put stuff in it.

Logo usage
Using our logo consistently ensures brand recognition and allows for creativity elsewhere.

On darker colored backgrounds, use our red logo

Or use with our white logo

White logo in use

White logo in use

Red logo in use

Make sure it's legible
Please don't mess with our logo. Avoid the examples mentioned below at all times.

Don't go crazy with color mix.

Don't change our logo colors

Don't apply gradients

Don't warp

Don't place over busy backgrounds

Don't apply effects
Social Branding
The way we present our brand should remain consistent across all social channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
For social, we like to use the Pixio Red (#E1251B) to add visual interest.